Showing 164561 - 164570 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182516217007 R0104437 THE VAN H. LE AND HUYNH LE T. DANG LIVING TRUST 2101 W 53RD AVE Residential BDP12-1175 BDP25-0402 HST2010-00736 VIO2000-21093 VIO2000-21094 VIO2018-00262 VIO2019-01320 VIO2019-01583
0182516217009 R0104438 FOORMAN TESSA AND FOORMAN SEAN 5301 TEJON ST Residential BDP01-00997 BDP17-4029 BDP22-0750
0182516217010 R0104439 DANIEL RAYMOND C 5341 TEJON ST Residential BDP14-1517 BDP17-5076 BDP18-0312 VIO2000-23773 VIO2004-39655 VIO2005-45394 VIO2010-01080 VIO2012-01584 VIO2013-01211 VIO2014-01406
0182516217015 R0104441 CALDWELL RILEY R AND CALDWELL JANET A 5371 TEJON ST Residential BDC23-00113 BDP10-0728 BDP22-0085 VIO2009-61341 VIO2011-00721 VIO2018-01144 VIO2018-01907
0182516217019 R0104442 MARTINEZ FLORENTINO C 5331 TEJON ST Residential BDP13-1723 CEC2012-00530 CEC2014-00355 VIO1996-1731 VIO1999-15054 VIO1999-17029 VIO2000-22128 VIO2003-34920 VIO2005-45237 VIO2010-01001 VIO2010-01014 VIO2012-01551 VIO2014-01166 VIO2014-01499
0182516217021 R0104443 THE FIRST LIGHT REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST 5360 VALLEJO ST Residential BDP05-0589 BDP11-0765 BDP16-1239 BDP16-1411 BDP17-2520 SWA2013-00748
0182516217022 R0104444 GONZALEZ MANUEL JR AND GONZALEZ ELIZABETH 5366 VALLEJO ST Residential VIO1996-1420 VIO2022-01480
0182516217025 R0104445 JUAREZ EUGENE T AND JUAREZ KATHY A 2143 W 53RD AVE Residential PRJ2000-00009 RCU1999-00007 VIO2020-00749 VSP2000-00006
0182516217026 R0104446 JHDM HOLDINGS LLC 5310 VALLEJO ST Residential BDP19-0715 VIO1999-14164 VIO2006-50096 VIO2022-01267 VIO2022-01269
0182516217027 R0104447 DIGERNESS LYLE O Residential VIO1996-1691 VIO2000-22811 VIO2004-41200 VIO2022-01385

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