Showing 164551 - 164560 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182516216009 R0129311 ORONA DIMAS AND ORONA MARIA 5364 TEJON ST Residential BDP11-1170 BDP16-1389 BDP17-3880 VIO2003-35250 VIO2003-37847 VIO2005-46122
0182516216010 R0129312 DUAME TYLER AND DUAME CHANTAL CREVIER 5360 TEJON ST Residential BDP15-1028 BDP17-3382 BDP18-2497 BDP19-2089 BDP19-3466 BDP19-3473 BDP20-0069 BDP20-0180 HST2009-00046 VIO2003-34032 VIO2005-46120 VIO2006-49776 VIO2007-54469 VIO2016-01826
0182516216011 R0191671 UC TEJON LLC 5350 TEJON ST Residential BDP20-2270 PLT2022-00024 PLT2022-00043 PLT2022-00044 PLT2023-00044 PRC2022-00008 PRE2018-00128 PRE2021-00058 PUD2022-00011 RCU2022-00019 VIO2024-00550 VIO2024-00551 VIO2024-00828 VIO2024-01127 VIO2024-01520
0182516216012 R0191672 UC TEJON LLC Residential PLT2022-00024 PLT2022-00043 PLT2022-00044 PLT2023-00044 PRC2022-00008 PRE2021-00058 PUD2022-00011 RCU2022-00019 VIO2021-01677
0182516216013 R0191673 UC TEJON LLC Residential PLT2022-00024 PLT2022-00043 PLT2022-00044 PLT2023-00044 PRC2022-00008 PRE2021-00058 PUD2022-00011 RCU2022-00019 VIO2022-01312 VIO2023-01710 VIO2023-01726 VIO2024-00568
0182516216014 R0191674 UC TEJON LLC Residential PLT2022-00024 PLT2022-00043 PLT2022-00044 PLT2023-00044 PRC2022-00008 PRE2021-00058 PUD2022-00011 RCU2022-00019
0182516216015 R0191675 UC TEJON LLC Residential PLT2022-00024 PLT2022-00043 PLT2022-00044 PLT2023-00044 PRC2022-00008 PRE2021-00058 PUD2022-00011 RCU2022-00019
0182516217001 R0104434 MONTOYA LOUIS 5396 VALLEJO ST Residential BDP16-0884 BDP17-4427 BDP21-1217
0182516217002 R0104435 TRUJILLO RAYMOND A AND TRUJILLO AMELIA M 5390 VALLEJO ST Residential BDP11-0334 BDP17-4143
0182516217005 R0104436 LEINBERGER LUKE AND LEINBERGER MADISON 5340 VALLEJO ST Residential BDP14-1299 BDP17-6084 VIO2003-34022 VIO2003-36950 VIO2009-61335 Z-64-70

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