Showing 164541 - 164550 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182516215009 R0191669 UC TEJON LLC Residential PLT2022-00024 PLT2022-00043 PLT2022-00044 PLT2023-00044 PRC2022-00008 PRE2021-00058 PUD2022-00011 RCU2022-00019
0182516215010 R0191670 UC TEJON LLC Residential PLT2022-00024 PLT2022-00043 PLT2022-00044 PLT2023-00044 PRC2022-00008 PRE2021-00058 PUD2022-00011 RCU2022-00019
0182516216001 R0104427 HERRERA TOSHIKO 1982 W 54TH AVE Residential VIO1999-18276 VIO2000-22284 VIO2003-33321 VIO2003-34716 VIO2003-36221 VIO2003-36328 VIO2007-54470 VIO2010-00906 VIO2013-00537
0182516216002 R0104428 HERNANDEZ RAFAEL AND HERNANDEZ LEONIDES 1962 W 54TH AVE Residential BDP17-1842 BDP99-02015
0182516216003 R0104429 RODRIGUEZ SERGIO E AND RODRIGUEZ ELAINE 1942 W 54TH AVE Residential BDP12-1844 BDP17-3422
0182516216004 R0104430 HERNANDEZ MARTIN ESPARZA 5381 SHOSHONE ST Residential BDP02-1190 BDP24-3352 VIO2007-54793 VIO2007-54794 VIO2007-55419 VIO2007-55420
0182516216005 R0104431 MC CLERKIN VIRGINIA L 5371 SHOSHONE ST Residential BDP10-0254
0182516216006 R0104432 GIFFORD KEVIN 5361 SHOSHONE ST Residential BDP11-0504 BDP11-1496 BDP17-2876
0182516216007 R0104433 LOPEZ CAROL D 5351 RARITAN WAY Residential VIO1996-2512 VIO1997-4239 VIO1997-5983 VIO1997-6328 VIO1997-7347 VIO1998-11815 VIO1999-16886 VIO2000-21062 VIO2002-31731
0182516216008 R0129310 MORALES FRANK AND MORALES DARLENE M 5394 TEJON ST Residential BDP00-00500 BDP00-02144 UTL2019-00203 VIO2011-00756

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