Showing 164501 - 164510 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182516213001 R0104387 MEDINA ROMAN F AND MEDINA MARY IRENE 5480 RARITAN WAY Residential BDP09-1727
0182516213002 R0104388 LOVATO GLORIA M 5470 RARITAN WAY Residential BDP03-2717 BDP06-0397 VIO1998-8684
0182516213003 R0104389 HERNANDEZ DOMINGUEZ ROGELIO AND POZOS FIDELIA 5460 RARITAN WAY Residential 1974-057-Z 1974-196-A BDL01-00361 BDP00-01497 BDP02-0083 VIO1996-1168 VIO1996-1169 VIO1997-4705 VIO1997-4706 VIO2000-21377 VIO2015-01036 VIO2015-01037 VIO2018-00414 VIO2018-00415 VIO2018-01288 VIO2018-01289
0182516213004 R0104390 PRINCE-SMITH JOLEEN AND SMITH DWAYNE C 5450 RARITAN WAY Residential BDP17-3260 VIO2015-01033 VIO2018-00417
0182516213005 R0104391 LUNA COMPANY LIMITED LLC 1781 W 54TH PL Residential BDP17-2759 BDP24-4006 VIO1999-18889 VIO1999-18905 VIO2001-27116 VIO2002-29597 VIO2003-34026 VIO2003-34027 VIO2003-36837 VIO2003-36838 VIO2006-49536 VIO2008-57914 VIO2011-00715 VIO2017-01752 VIO2017-01778 VIO2017-02012 VIO2018-00416 VIO2018-00829 VIO2018-01061 VIO2019-00071 VIO2019-01283
0182516213007 R0104392 ESTES DONALD DEAN 1761 W 54TH PL Residential BDP17-3041 VIO2001-27120 VIO2003-36840 VIO2011-00717 VIO2011-00722 VIO2017-01777
0182516213008 R0104393 GARCIA JERRY AND GARCIA BRENDA L 1741 W 54TH PL Residential BDP17-4319 BDP18-5434 UTL2013-01526
0182516213009 R0104394 PARTELLO DEBORAH L 1721 W 54TH PL Residential BDP05-1588 BDP15-1976 BDP23-1978 BDP23-2923 UTL2012-00043 VIO2006-49537
0182516213010 R0104395 THOMAS B MARTINEZ MARITAL TRUST 1701 W 54TH PL Residential BDP18-1664 BDP21-3979 VIO1997-4587 VIO2006-50133 VIO2020-00324 VIO2020-00863
0182516213011 R0104396 NOLAN JEFFREY J 1631 W 54TH PL Residential BDP17-2115 BDP18-6243 SWA2023-00001 VIO2003-34028 VIO2003-34029

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