Showing 164401 - 164410 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182516206024 R0104286 PUENTE JERONIMO AND PUENTE BERTHA CASTILLO 5501 UMATILLA ST Residential 1973-052-Z-SV BDP06-0446 BDP17-2475 HST2011-00035 VIO1999-16906 VIO2001-25582 VIO2019-00348 VIO2022-01115
0182516206025 R0104287 RAMOS FRANK 5511 UMATILLA ST Residential 1973-052-Z-SV 1986-034-A BDP08-0015 BDP11-1758 BDP17-2593 BDP24-4137 HST2011-00035 VIO2003-34036 VIO2009-60529 VIO2018-00141 VIO2019-00195
0182516206026 R0104288 FLORES CAROLINE A 5521 UMATILLA ST Residential 1973-052-Z-SV 1986-034-A BDP11-0945 BDP12-1814 BDP17-3602 BDP23-1333 CEC2015-00889 HST2011-00035
0182516206027 R0104289 PADILLA CARLA J 5531 UMATILLA ST Residential 1973-052-Z-SV 1986-034-A BDP17-3881 HST2011-00035 VIO2002-29588 VIO2020-00843 VIO2021-00536 VIO2022-01113
0182516206028 R0104290 BNC CO ONE LLC 5541 UMATILLA ST Residential 1973-052-Z-SV 1986-034-A 1997-158-V BDC12-00037 BDC16-00077 BDP12-0626 BDP18-1907 CEC2015-00289 HST2011-00035 VIO1997-7262 VIO1998-10343 VIO1998-12028 VIO1998-12029 VIO1999-16908 VIO2000-23114 VIO2001-26515 VIO2002-31923 VIO2003-37289 VIO2003-37291 VIO2013-00534 VIO2015-01302 VIO2015-01310 VIO2015-01510 VIO2016-00435 VIO2016-01568 VIO2016-01688 VIO2016-02974 VIO2016-03233 VIO2017-01700 VIO2018-00861 VIO2019-00645 VIO2019-01977 VIO2020-00391 VIO2020-00392 VIO2020-00393 VIO2020-01317
0182516206029 R0104291 KELLIM KRISTOPHER MICHAEL 5551 UMATILLA ST Residential 1973-052-Z-SV 1986-034-A BDC16-00145 BDP22-1538 BDP22-1540 BDP22-1651 BDP22-2846
0182516206030 R0104292 JORANLIEN KIRSTEN AND ARNDT WILLIAM BRANDON 5580 VALLEJO ST Residential 1987-064-AP BDC04-00164 BDL02-00008 BDL04-00601 BDL15-00459 BDP02-0052 BDP04-1248 BDP08-1303 BDP15-1336 BDP15-1852 BDP15-2091 BDP17-3616 BDP17-4070 ROW2004-00861 VIO2020-01342
0182516206031 R0104293 SCHWAB MARY 5570 VALLEJO ST Residential 1955-009 1987-064-AP BDP18-0126 VIO2007-54795 VIO2007-54796
0182516207002 R0104294 GLR 2359 W MOFFAT PL LLC 2359 MOFFAT PL Residential BDL04-00692 BDL05-00137 BDP00-01551 BDP04-1810 BDP05-0508 BDP10-0145 BDP22-2164 ROW2004-00728 VIO1999-18870 VIO2000-21419 VIO2000-21534 VIO2001-26531 VIO2003-33930 VIO2006-50053 VIO2022-00893
0182516207003 R0104295 HERRERA ALBERTO E AND HERRERA ESTHER A 2323 MOFFAT PL Residential BDP12-0845 BDP17-0163 BDP17-3395 BDP99-03097 VIO1999-17423

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