Showing 164371 - 164380 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182516205010 R0104255 LA RUSSO ELAINE A 5481 TEJON ST Residential 1968-007 1970-027
0182516205011 R0104256 AKINS GREGORY A AND AKINS JEANNIE M 5485 TEJON ST Residential 1968-007 1970-027 BDP02-2737 BDP18-0475 VIO2003-36613 VIO2006-47966 VIO2006-47967 VIO2006-50107 VIO2006-50108 VIO2010-00912
0182516205014 R0104258 NELSON EVERETT E LIVING TRUST AND NELSON BARBARA J LIVING TRUST 5486 UMATILLA ST Residential 1968-007 1970-027 CEC2015-00887 CEC2015-00888 VIO1999-16903 VIO2003-34019 VIO2009-60523 VIO2015-02490 VIO2015-02587 VIO2016-03266 VIO2017-02070 VIO2017-02079
0182516205015 R0104259 FERRARO CARMINE 5476 UMATILLA ST Residential 1968-007 1970-027 BDP05-2070 BDP10-1233 BDP17-4656 BDP17-4973
0182516205016 R0104260 ESPINOZA SETH AND ESPINOZA ATHENA 5552 UMATILLA ST Residential 1973-052-Z-SV 1986-034-A BDP10-2472 BDP17-1995 BDP19-3954 BDP19-4276 BDP20-0299 UTL2021-00462 VIO2003-34034 VIO2008-57254 VIO2008-57255 VIO2009-60526 VIO2009-60527
0182516205017 R0104261 HAMILTON STEPHEN A AND HAMILTON ELIZABETH 5542 UMATILLA ST Residential 1973-052-Z-SV 1986-034-A BDP17-1223 HST2011-00035 VIO1996-1874 VIO1999-16907 VIO2001-26516 VIO2004-41071 VIO2005-44700 VIO2017-01428 VIO2017-01466 VIO2020-00541 VIO2020-01061 VIO2022-01018
0182516205018 R0104262 RAFF NATALIE AND LOTT ZACHARY 5532 UMATILLA ST Residential 1973-052-Z-SV 1986-034-A BDP20-3039 BDP21-0772 BDP99-02673 HST2011-00035 VIO1997-5636 VIO2003-34035 VIO2003-37288 VIO2018-00545
0182516205019 R0104263 GARCIA LEON MICHAEL 5522 UMATILLA ST Residential 1973-052-Z-SV 1986-034-A BDP17-2621 HST2011-00035 VIO1997-5662 VIO2000-20208
0182516205020 R0104264 MC DOUGALL PATRICIA A MC DOUGALL THOMAS J 5512 UMATILLA ST Residential 1973-052-Z-SV 1986-034-A BDP03-1216 BDP11-0605 BDP17-3410 BDP17-4254 BDP17-4296 BDP24-3853 HST2011-00035 VIO2001-25216 VIO2003-34020
0182516205021 R0104265 VILLEGAS DELIA GARCIA 5502 UMATILLA ST Residential 1973-052-Z-SV 1986-034-A BDP11-1973 HST2011-00035 VIO2000-23113 VIO2001-25223 VIO2001-25644 VIO2003-36949 VIO2005-44702 VIO2008-57238 VIO2008-59302 VIO2015-01312 VIO2015-01313 VIO2017-02056 VIO2017-02078 VIO2023-03760

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