Showing 164341 - 164350 of 165791 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182516204023 R0104229 GARCIA ELIJAH AND GARCIA CASSANDRA 5413 SHOSHONE ST Residential BDP10-1830 BDP18-3403
0182516204024 R0104230 MARTINEZ YVETTE I 5423 SHOSHONE ST Residential 1959-009 BDC10-00179 BDC10-00206 BDP11-1410 VIO2002-29592 VIO2003-36448 VIO2006-49519
0182516204025 R0104231 VARELA GENEVIEVE 5433 SHOSHONE ST Residential BDP00-02097 BDP03-1954 BDP08-1219 BDP17-5656 VIO2003-36449 VIO2005-45812 VIO2018-00139 VIO2021-03565 VIO2022-00636 VIO2024-00218
0182516204026 R0104232 WENDELIN WILBUR L AND WENDELIN BERNITA A 5443 SHOSHONE ST Residential BDP02-1219 BDP06-1404 VIO2002-28349 VIO2002-29930 VIO2003-36450 VIO2009-61050
0182516204027 R0104233 5453 SHOSHONE LLC 5453 SHOSHONE ST Residential BDP10-2707 BDP17-4302
0182516204028 R0104234 SOUTHERN WILL 5463 SHOSHONE ST Residential BDP02-0445 BDP15-2346 BDP19-3933 BDP20-0298 BDP22-0431 BDP22-3723 BDP22-3724 VIO2004-39125
0182516204029 R0104235 PITTMAN TRACI SUE COVEN 5473 SHOSHONE ST Residential BDC18-00071 BDP24-0826 BDP24-2857
0182516204032 R0104236 FLORENCE JOHN 5531 SHOSHONE ST Residential 1965-003 BDP03-0921 BDP06-1296 BDP17-2515 BDP18-0212 BDP18-0221 VIO1997-5673 VIO1997-7772 VIO1999-14162 VIO2003-35551 VIO2003-35552 VIO2006-47968 VIO2006-49001 VIO2006-49768 VIO2009-61047
0182516204033 R0104237 BLEA INVESTMENTS LLC 5541 SHOSHONE ST Residential 1965-003 BDP10-0904 UTL2015-00366
0182516204034 R0104238 MARTINEZ GERALDEAN R 5551 SHOSHONE ST Residential 1965-003 BDP23-2550 BDP25-0528

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