Showing 164261 - 164270 of 165791 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182515108007 R0104077 LUJAN ENRIQUE AND LUJAN MARY H 5320 LINCOLN ST Residential BDP17-1891 VIO2017-00752
0182515108008 R0104078 THE THUNDERBIRD TRUST 5318 LINCOLN ST Residential BDP15-2686 VIO1996-3588 VIO1998-13512 VIO1998-13513 VIO2019-01841 VIO2019-01842 VIO2022-03158
0182515108024 R0104081 OLIVAS LORENZO 5398 LINCOLN ST Residential 1973-014-A-SP BDL03-00063 BDL04-00005 BDP01-01442 BDP01-01443 BDP03-0288 BDP99-02701 HST2009-00301 VIO1996-3275 VIO1999-13997 VIO1999-13998 VIO2000-23741 VIO2000-23749 VIO2004-39841 VIO2004-41167 VIO2011-00187 VIO2022-01130 VIO2023-03777 VIO2024-00350 VIO2024-01511 VSP2001-00011
0182515108025 R0104082 THE THUNDERBIRD TRUST 5396 LINCOLN ST Residential VIO1997-6043 VIO1998-10797 VIO1998-9982 VIO2000-23743 VIO2000-23744 VIO2003-36814 VIO2003-36815 VIO2011-00196
0182515109001 R0104083 GONZALES JOSIE AND FONAZALEZ FELIPE 5294 LINCOLN ST Residential
0182515109007 R0104085 MARTINEZ ANGELINE J 5221 SHERMAN ST Residential VIO1998-13525 VIO1998-13526 VIO1999-17818 VIO1999-17819
0182515109011 R0104089 MARTINEZ ANGELINE J 5275 SHERMAN ST Residential 1953-054 BDC10-00224 VIO1997-3880 VIO1997-3881 VIO1999-13613 VIO1999-13614
0182515109012 R0104090 MARTINEZ ANGELINE J 160 E 53RD AVE Residential BDP04-0904 UTL2016-00182
0182515110001 R0104092 53RD BROADWAY LLC 5248 BROADWAY ST Residential BDC15-00141 PRE2014-00069 PRE2015-00056 RWC2011-00013 SGN1999-00018 UTL2015-00359 UTL2018-00110 VIO2003-36817 VIO2004-41610 VIO2014-00388 VIO2022-03429
0182515110004 R0104095 MARTINEZ ANGELINE J 5219 LINCOLN ST Residential BDP20-3921 BDP22-1070 VIO2023-00463

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