Showing 164251 - 164260 of 165791 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182515103008 R0104035 CHRISTENSON DONALD P TRUST UND 1/2 INT a CHRISTENSON ROSEMARY TRUST UND 1/2 INT 5517 PENNSYLVANIA ST Residential BDC05-00089 BDL05-00807 BDP05-1580 BDP05-1582 BDP17-3457 VIO1998-12038 VIO1998-12039 VIO2000-23747 VIO2000-23748 VIO2003-35895 VIO2003-35896 VIO2006-48728 VIO2006-48729 VIO2007-55706 VIO2007-55707 VIO2010-01078
0182515103009 R0104036 THE THUNDERBIRD TRUST 5551 PENNSYLVANIA ST Residential VIO2000-19573 VIO2000-19574 VIO2017-00524 VIO2017-00859
0182515103010 R0104037 ARISMENDIZ CYNTHIA 5555 PENNSYLVANIA ST Residential CEC2015-00005 UTL2020-00328 VIO2000-23706 VIO2015-00029 VIO2017-00841
0182515103012 R0104039 436 EAST 56TH AVENUE LLC 436 E 56TH AVE Residential 1998-010-S BDL03-00639 BDL03-00640 BDL08-00087 BDP00-02443 BDP00-02444 BDP03-1777 BDP03-1778 BDP08-0322 BDP99-00400 BDP99-00928 BDP99-00929 ROW1999-00283 VIO1997-7040 VIO1997-7041 VIO1997-7052 VIO1997-7053 VIO1997-7054 VIO1997-7055 VIO1998-9200 VIO1998-9201 VIO1999-13821 VIO1999-13822 VIO1999-16517 VIO2000-19575 VIO2000-19576
0182515103017 R0127249 PAGELS MELVERN D AND PAGELS KAREN K 5501 PENNSYLVANIA ST Residential 1952-057 1973-244-A HST2009-00162 HST2010-00013 VIO2001-25757 VIO2001-25758 VIO2003-35748 VIO2003-35749 VIO2004-41247 VIO2004-41248 VIO2004-41259 VIO2004-41260 VIO2010-01077 VIO2016-03030
0182515104024 R0152765 WILSON DOUGLAS A 325 E 55TH AVE Residential BDP11-2267 BDP17-1821 HST2010-00118 HST2010-00125 PRE2006-00073 VIO2003-37768 VIO2004-38202 VIO2017-00532
0182515108003 R0104073 RICHARD ANTHONY W AND RICHARD IVERTA L 5350 LINCOLN ST Residential BDP15-2083 VIO1998-12236 VIO2004-41168 VIO2011-00194
0182515108004 R0104074 VILLA BERNABE AND TRINIDAD LUNA 5346 LINCOLN ST Residential VIO1996-3246 VIO1996-3260 VIO1998-12237 VIO1999-13823 VIO1999-13824 VIO2000-19534 VIO2011-00193 VIO2016-03031
0182515108005 R0104075 GARCIA ALEX L AND GARCIA ARALEANAH E 5326 LINCOLN ST Residential BDC11-00053 BDL09-00169 BDP11-0381 VIO1996-3244 VIO1996-3245 VIO1997-4347 VIO1997-4348 VIO1998-13511 VIO2000-19537 VIO2004-41169 VIO2011-00192 VIO2017-00753
0182515108006 R0104076 RAMIREZ MARIA EMMA AND LEON EDITH NINO 5322 LINCOLN ST Residential BDC22-00038 BDP17-3436 BDP17-5691 BDP22-1104 ROW2002-00618 VIO2000-19535 VIO2000-19536 VIO2020-00041 VIO2021-02735 VIO2022-01605 VIO2022-02410

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