Showing 164211 - 164220 of 165791 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182511201026 R0103647 ORTEGA FRANCES 1310 E 64TH AVE Residential 1970-009 BDP09-0019 BDP17-0986 BDP18-4056 VIO1999-14568 VIO1999-14569
0182511300010 R0103676 SPERA PROPERTIES LLC Residential RWC2019-00014
0182511300011 R0103677 KEARNEY TRUST THE 1149 E 58TH AVE Residential BDL03-00868 BDP03-2361 HST2010-01595 RWC2019-00015 VIO2015-02866
0182511300012 R0103678 CASTRO MANUELITA M 1151 E 58TH AVE Residential BDP17-1124 BDP19-0363 RWC2019-00016 RWC2022-00065
0182511300014 R0103680 GUERRERO SIMON 5815 DOWNING ST Residential BDL04-00944 BDP18-5971 ILD2016-00039 ROW2001-01020 UTL2019-00194 VIO2004-41475 VIO2004-41476 VIO2004-41482 VIO2004-41483 VIO2015-02674 VIO2018-01239
0182511300015 R0103681 CHAPARRO OSCAR M 5825 DOWNING ST Residential ROW2001-01020
0182511300017 R0103683 ARELLANO ANGEL F 5845 DOWNING ST Residential VIO2007-54451 VIO2011-01723 VIO2016-03028
0182511300018 R0103684 BAKER GENE AND BAKER CHRISTINA 5855 DOWNING ST Residential VIO2017-00637 VIO2018-00397
0182511300019 R0103685 THOMPSON CHERYL L 5865 DOWNING ST Residential BDP14-0245 BDP17-2430 BDP20-3722
0182511300020 R0103686 LUCERO EDWARD 5875 DOWNING ST Residential BDP23-3793 HST2009-00433 UTL2024-00202

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