Showing 164171 - 164180 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182509306019 R0103387 JIMENEZ PRISCILLA 2320 W 57TH AVE Residential 1955-119 BDP01-00356 BDP01-00633 BDP17-4503 BDP18-3020
0182509306020 R0103388 BULTEMA HANS 2340 W 57TH AVE Residential 1955-119 BDP15-1548 BDP17-2605 BDP21-1847 UTL2012-00006 UTL2014-00359
0182509306021 R0103389 GLIM CRYSTAL NICOLE 2360 W 57TH AVE Residential 1955-119 BDP17-3016 VIO1998-9517 VIO2002-28005 VIO2002-28006
0182509307001 R0103390 ANDASOLA LORETTA E 2290 W 57TH AVE Residential BDP11-1757 BDP16-1580 BDP16-2757 BDP17-0792 BDP17-1820 BDP21-0605 BDP21-0778 BDP23-0580 VIO1997-4733 VIO1999-17445 VIO2002-28492
0182509307002 R0103391 HERNANDEZ MIGUEL MADRID 2291 W 56TH PL Residential BDC03-00336 BDL03-00851 BDL03-00895 BDP11-2478 UTL2023-00380 VIO2002-29689 VIO2003-36909 VIO2004-38712 VIO2009-61302 VIO2014-00412 VIO2016-00084
0182509307003 R0103392 VENKATARAMAN VAIDEHI AND METCALF EDWARD 2261 W 56TH PL Residential BDL14-00947 BDL14-01071 BDP14-1954 BDP14-2050 BDP14-2094 BDP14-2245 BDP14-2311 VIO2000-23670
0182509307005 R0103393 CLAYPOOL DAVID 2201 W 56TH PL Residential BDC09-00138 CEC2012-00018 VIO1997-4724 VIO2000-23671 VIO2000-23678 VIO2009-60972 VIO2009-63003
0182509307006 R0103394 MC BAIN HELEN J 2220 W 57TH PL Residential BDP15-0882 BDP17-5447 CEC2012-00017 VIO1997-4729 VIO2000-23658 VIO2000-23672 VIO2003-34072 VIO2003-34073 VIO2012-00400
0182509307007 R0103395 VASQUEZ RON 2240 W 57TH PL Residential BDP17-5124 VIO2016-01972
0182509307008 R0103396 YEN MICHAEL 2260 W 57TH PL Residential BDP23-1820 VIO1997-4728 VIO2005-45988 VIO2009-61303 VIO2011-01944

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