Showing 164151 - 164160 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182509305006 R0103367 BLEA AUGUSTINE 2301 W 57TH AVE Residential 1955-119 BDP13-0580 BDP17-2583 VIO2022-01355
0182509305007 R0103368 SERDY KEVIN 2300 W 58TH AVE Residential 1955-119 BDL14-00345 BDP01-02306 BDP14-0836 BDP14-1618 BDP14-2184 BDP17-4432 BDP23-1651 VIO2016-00076 VIO2021-02139
0182509305008 R0103369 DANBOM MICHAEL 2320 W 58TH AVE Residential 1955-119 BDP10-2296 BDP17-2012 VIO2003-34082
0182509305009 R0103370 YARISH BRUCE AND YARISH SHANNON 2340 W 58TH AVE Residential 1955-119 BDP00-02946
0182509305010 R0103371 CARRASCO MARIA PIEDAD 2360 W 58TH AVE Residential 1955-119 VIO1998-9899 VIO2000-23632 VIO2000-23642 VIO2002-28491 VIO2003-34068 VIO2003-34083 VIO2005-43998 VIO2015-02839 VIO2016-03250 VIO2017-00190 VIO2023-00600 VIO2023-00718
0182509306001 R0103372 MORA CINDY A 2380 W 57TH AVE Residential 1955-119 1973-032-A-V BDP17-1126
0182509306002 R0103373 DAVIE REBECCA L 5670 ZUNI ST Residential BDP18-3003
0182509306003 R0103374 MATTHIAS MAREN AND MATHURIN SANDRA 5660 ZUNI ST Residential BDP13-1068 BDP16-4189 BDP17-4945 BDP19-3196 VIO2003-36171 VIO2004-39159 VIO2004-39184 VIO2004-42035 VIO2004-42036 VIO2006-49926 VIO2006-49927
0182509306004 R0103375 MARTINEZ EDGAR R AND CANO JACQUELINE 5650 ZUNI ST Residential BDL04-00325 BDP04-0767 BDP17-5169 BDP23-1672 BDP23-3957 ROW2004-00368 ROW2004-00392 VIO2018-01057
0182509306005 R0103376 HELSON GARY AND HELSON MARITZA 5640 ZUNI ST Residential BDC21-00110 BDC21-00113 BDP02-0158 BDP15-2099 BDP17-4821 BDP21-2822 VIO2008-58415

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