Showing 164101 - 164110 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182508405051 R0198729 BERKELEY POINTE LLC Residential PCI2024-00001
0182508406001 R0198730 ROSEN ADAM AND MULLIGAN SCOTT 5698 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-3605
0182508406002 R0198731 GALA ENTERPRISES LLC 5692 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-3606 BDP20-3877 ILD2021-00002
0182508406003 R0198732 CROSHAL FRANK MATTHEW AND VAUTOUR ELIZABETH ANN 5684 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-3608 BDP20-3875
0182508406004 R0198733 ROMERO RAYANN AND RODRIGUEZ MARY C 5676 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-3610
0182508406005 R0198734 LUNA ERIC ANDREW AND HUTCHERSON CAITLIN BRIE 5670 ZUNI CT Residential BDP19-2721 BDP19-3769 BDP21-0280
0182509204001 R0103312 MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS INC 6193 PECOS ST Residential BDP18-5203 HST2010-00524
0182509300014 R0103314 CSWM PROPERTIES LLC 2055 W 56TH AVE Residential BDP13-1821 BDP19-3922 PLT2024-00032 PRC2024-00018 PRE2024-00044 RCU2024-00044 UTL2013-01258 VIO2005-44462 VIO2005-46238 VIO2006-49378 VIO2007-54466 VIO2009-61308 VIO2009-61309 VIO2010-00998 VIO2012-00654 VIO2016-02274 VIO2018-00608
0182509300042 R0103316 MARTINEZ REYNALDO E 5699 WYANDOT ST Residential BDP18-1778 VIO1997-7310 VIO1997-7311 VIO1999-17442 VIO1999-17443 VIO2000-22282 VIO2000-22283 VIO2002-28456 VIO2002-28457 VIO2002-28501 VIO2002-28502 VIO2002-31191 VIO2002-31192 VIO2004-41196 VIO2004-41197 VIO2004-41226 VIO2004-41227 VIO2005-45998 VIO2005-45999 VIO2006-51101 VIO2006-51102 VIO2014-00296
0182509300043 R0103317 CHAU CHRISTINA AND LOPPNOW STEPHEN AND HAUER DANIEL AND WERNSMANN ERICA 2391 W 56TH AVE Residential 1962-006 BDP17-4334 BDP19-1106 CLV2019-00059 UTL2021-00317 UTL2023-00223 VIO2000-23631 VIO2018-01369 VIO2018-02132 VIO2020-00001 VIO2024-00351

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