Showing 164091 - 164100 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182508405041 R0198719 MCLAURIN CHRISTINE AND CARON CROIX 5606 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-3613 BDP21-0277 BDP22-1976 BDP22-2169 BDP24-1604 BDP24-3714 VIO2022-02003
0182508405042 R0198720 SHRESTHA ELIZA AND JOHANSSON EMIL 5614 ZUNI CT Residential BDP21-0276 BDP22-3022
0182508405043 R0198721 EDWARDS JENNIFER F 5620 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-3612 BDP21-0273
0182508405044 R0198722 THOMAS JOEL 5628 ZUNI CT Residential BDP21-0272
0182508405045 R0198723 HANSON MEGAN DANIELLE AND HANSON SCOTT MICHAEL 5634 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-3604 BDP21-0271 BDP22-1573
0182508405046 R0198724 KAISER BRITTNEY AND CHOW BARRETT 5642 ZUNI CT Residential BDP21-0270 BDP22-1005
0182508405047 R0198725 SYKES BENJAMIN LEE AND MILLER HANNAH ROSE 5648 ZUNI CT Residential BDP19-2987 BDP20-3603 BDP21-0132 BDP21-3869
0182508405048 R0198726 HEFT ERICA AND HEFT JACOB 5656 ZUNI CT Residential BDP19-2988 BDP21-0133 BDP22-2281 BDP24-0526
0182508405049 R0198727 HUDACSEK JASMIN AND WORKMAN RYAN 5662 ZUNI CT Residential BDP19-2990 BDP20-3596 BDP21-0134 VIO2022-01941
0182508405050 R0198728 BERKELEY POINTE LLC Residential BDP20-0461 UTL2019-00436

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