Showing 164081 - 164090 of 165792 records
Account Types: Residential×
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182508405031 R0198709 ROLLINS JEFFREY 5641 ZUNI CT Residential BDP21-0129
0182508405032 R0198710 LEHMKUHL LISA 5635 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-3601 BDP21-0128
0182508405033 R0198711 RANK MARK JOHN AND HOLLAND LOUISA GRACE 5631 ZUNI CT Residential BDP21-0127
0182508405034 R0198712 NEWSOM MARCI 5625 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-3607 BDP21-0151
0182508405035 R0198713 GANDHI ANITA AND LAMONTAGNE ROGER 5619 ZUNI CT Residential BDP21-0150 BDP23-2775
0182508405036 R0198714 SEARS ZACHARY AND JONES MELISSA 5613 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-3609 BDP21-0149 BDP22-1174
0182508405037 R0198715 MCTAGGART DINO AND MCTAGGART PIPER 5609 ZUNI CT Residential BDP21-0147 BDP21-0152
0182508405038 R0198716 KROGH JACLYN C AND GHAREEB ANDREW G 5605 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-3611 BDP21-0146 BDP23-2369
0182508405039 R0198717 TRUJILLO RUSSELL ALLEN II 5601 ZUNI CT Residential BDP21-0268 BDP22-0398 UTL2019-00526
0182508405040 R0198718 FARBER LOREN MICHAEL AND DELPRINCE KORYN MARIE 5600 ZUNI CT Residential BDP21-0278 BDP22-0399 BDP22-2342 UTL2022-00426

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