Showing 164071 - 164080 of 165792 records
Account Types: Residential×
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182508405021 R0198699 5719 ZUNI CT Residential
0182508405022 R0198700 ALCARAZ ALEX 5703 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-3597 BDP20-3708 BDP24-2267
0182508405023 R0198701 ROMACKER KEVIN AND GIBSON HANNAH 5699 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-3709 BDP23-0131 BDP25-0582
0182508405024 R0198702 HALL GREGORY S AND HALL SYLVIA D 5693 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-3598 BDP20-3714 BDP23-1905
0182508405025 R0198703 KINNEY TAMARA J 5689 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-3713
0182508405026 R0198704 MALEKYAR MAHSA AND BOLLIG BRIAN JAMES 5685 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-3712
0182508405027 R0198705 ROBERTSON DOMINICK AND BENNETT MEGAN 5679 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-3711 BDP24-2048
0182508405028 R0198706 DEVENDORF RYAN TERRANCE AND LOGIGIAN AMALIA DIANA 5667 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-3599 BDP20-3970
0182508405029 R0198707 PRESLEY KEVIN ANTEL AND MALTBY ELIZABETH ELLA 5653 ZUNI CT Residential BDP21-0131 BDP21-3883 BDP24-0382
0182508405030 R0198708 SAX DANIEL 5647 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-3600 BDP21-0130 BDP23-0362

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