Showing 164061 - 164070 of 165792 records
Account Types: Residential×
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182508405011 R0198689 HERRINGTON TRACYE 5867 ZUNI CT Residential BDP19-3478 BDP19-3906
0182508405012 R0198690 FISHER CARMEN AND FISHER JETO 5859 ZUNI CT Residential BDP19-3479 BDP19-3773 BDP22-2272
0182508405013 R0198691 BOHENKAMP JESSICA R AND STARR JACK A 5851 ZUNI CT Residential BDP19-3480
0182508405014 R0198692 GURULE DUSTI D 5835 ZUNI CT Residential BDP19-3481 BDP19-3772 BDP21-2845
0182508405015 R0198693 MATTHEWS JESSICA 5819 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-0136
0182508405016 R0198694 GUTIERREZ GREG 5803 ZUNI CT Residential BDP19-3771 BDP20-0137 BDP22-0286 BDP22-1275 BDP22-3108 BDP24-0604
0182508405017 R0198695 FURLONG TIMOTHY 5785 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-0547
0182508405018 R0198696 ROISMAN SARAH AND RORTVEDT PATRICK 5767 ZUNI CT Residential BDP19-3770 BDP20-0564
0182508405019 R0198697 CHAPARRO RACHEL 5751 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-0525
0182508405020 R0198698 STRUYK CAULIN AND STRUYK MARIA 5735 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-0526

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