Showing 164051 - 164060 of 165792 records
Account Types: Residential×
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182508405001 R0198679 ALISSA RUSSELL 5700 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-0527
0182508405002 R0198680 ALLISON DANIEL ERIC 5716 ZUNI CT Residential BDP19-3774 BDP20-0528
0182508405003 R0198681 PARADISE MATTHEW ALAN AND FRANTA NICHOLAS BRIAN 5732 ZUNI CT Residential BDP20-0134
0182508405004 R0198682 RICHTER JOSEPH B 5748 ZUNI CT Residential BDP19-3775 BDP20-0135 BDP21-0801
0182508405005 R0198683 SALYER DANIELLE M AND SALYER JEREMY C 5764 ZUNI CT Residential BDP19-3482 BDP19-3776 BDP23-2161
0182508405006 R0198684 NOVAK BRIAN P AND SHANNON ZACHARY S 5782 ZUNI CT Residential BDP23-3897 BDP19-3483
0182508405007 R0198685 MARTINEZ AARON AND MARTINEZ MIKAYLA 5800 ZUNI CT Residential BDP19-3484 BDP19-3777 BDP21-2723 BDP21-2751 BDP21-2972
0182508405008 R0198686 POTESTATO AMANDA 5816 ZUNI CT Residential BDP19-3485 BDP21-0628
0182508405009 R0198687 GILLILAND COLIN S 5832 ZUNI CT Residential BDP19-3486 BDP19-3778
0182508405010 R0198688 ROACHO DANIEL 5848 ZUNI CT Residential BDP19-3487 BDP21-0787

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