Showing 164041 - 164050 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182508404023 R0127815 NGUYEN DAO AND VU TIEN 5697 ALCOTT ST Residential BDL02-00966 BDL03-00716 BDP03-1963 BDP06-1002 BDP17-3247
0182508404024 R0127813 VIALPANDO SHARON L 5707 ALCOTT ST Residential BDL02-00633 BDP02-1744 BDP17-3377
0182508404025 R0127812 TENA MARIA LIDIA 5717 ALCOTT ST Residential BDP17-1924
0182508404026 R0127811 POOVEY ANGELA 5727 ALCOTT ST Residential BDL02-00512 BDP02-1396 BDP18-1352 BDP18-2225
0182508404027 R0127810 RAMIREZ BENJAMIN AND RAMIREZ ELIZABETH 5737 ALCOTT ST Residential BDP02-1675 BDP17-2212 BDP17-2213 VIO2010-00019
0182508404028 R0127809 WOOLERY MICHAEL R AND WOOLERY LACEY E 5757 ALCOTT ST Residential BDP02-1674 BDP03-1101 BDP17-5358 BDP19-0158 BDP25-0245 VIO2024-01053 VIO2024-01054
0182508404029 R0127808 ROBIDA LAUREL A AND MARIN NORMAN E 5767 ALCOTT ST Residential BDL02-00799 BDL02-00965 BDL08-00333 BDP08-1124 VIO2007-55344
0182508404030 R0127807 PADILLA JUAN M JR AND PADILLA JUAN M SR 5777 ALCOTT ST Residential BDL02-00168 BDP02-1100 BDP22-3399
0182508404031 R0127806 GALVAN B RAUL 5787 ALCOTT ST Residential BDL02-00510 BDP02-1397 BDP10-2963

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