Showing 164031 - 164040 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182508404013 R0127781 ARCHULETA BEVERLY AND JONES JERRY MICHAEL 5650 BRYANT ST Residential BDC04-00178 BDL02-00054 BDP02-0247 BDP04-1309
0182508404014 R0127779 VIALPANDO IRENE J 5640 BRYANT ST Residential BDP02-1562 BDP17-3150
0182508404015 R0127778 LOPEZ GILBERTA AND WORTHAM KAREN J 5620 BRYANT ST Residential BDP25-0227 VSP2002-00025
0182508404016 R0127777 AGUIRRE ROSE 5610 BRYANT ST Residential BDP16-4898 UTL2022-00348 UTL2023-00008 VIO2020-01045 VIO2020-01046 VIO2024-00874 VIO2024-00997 VIO2025-00080 VSP2002-00025
0182508404017 R0127822 ORTIZ JESSICA AND PIERCE DEVIN L 5655 ALCOTT ST Residential BDP11-1236 BDP17-4505 RWC2010-00305
0182508404018 R0127820 SCHWARZ LINDSEY AND DILSWORTH CARSON 5657 ALCOTT ST Residential BDP01-00949 BDP17-2278
0182508404019 R0127819 WEST DAYTON HALL 5659 ALCOTT ST Residential BDL02-00574 BDP02-1587 BDP17-2402 BDP21-3265 BDP21-3266 VIO2008-58408 VIO2008-58409
0182508404020 R0127818 JEFFRIES ERIC AND ABRAHAMSON REBECCA 5661 ALCOTT ST Residential BDL02-00575 BDP02-1586 BDP05-2109 BDP17-2336 VIO2024-00331
0182508404021 R0127817 JOHNSON COLIN PATRICK AND ASAWASATHAPON THANCHANOK 5667 ALCOTT ST Residential BDL02-00635 BDP02-1745 BDP17-1678 BDP22-3328 VSP2002-00070
0182508404022 R0127816 HOPPMANN STEVEN LEE 5677 ALCOTT ST Residential BDL02-00634 BDP02-1746 BDP17-2851 BDP21-0304 BDP24-0024

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