Showing 164021 - 164030 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182508404003 R0127800 CARMONA BRANDY LYNN AND GALLEGOS-BRETADO GUSTAVO 5750 BRYANT ST Residential BDL02-00716 BDP17-2862 BDP21-3061 BDP21-3065
0182508404004 R0127799 NGUYEN TRONG AND NGUYEN NGOC BICH THI AND NGUYEN ANH DAO THI 5740 BRYANT ST Residential BDL02-00715 BDP02-2084 BDP17-4593
0182508404005 R0127798 CAVOTO CATHERINE 5730 BRYANT ST Residential BDL02-00646 BDP02-1890 BDP17-5021 BDP18-5740
0182508404006 R0127797 RUSSELL JOSH L AND RUSSELL PAULETTE J 5720 BRYANT ST Residential BDL02-00347 BDP02-0913 BDP17-5020
0182508404007 R0127796 HUYNH KIM NGAN 5710 BRYANT ST Residential BDP17-1728 BDP25-0525
0182508404008 R0127795 ESPINOZA MARK AND SAAVEDRA MARIA O 5700 BRYANT ST Residential BDL02-00647 BDP02-1891
0182508404009 R0127794 SIERRA TIRZO AND SIERRA CELIA/ALICIA 5690 BRYANT ST Residential BDL02-00203 BDP02-0534 BDP15-2086 BDP17-2752 BDP17-3375
0182508404010 R0127792 5680 BRYANT STREET LLC 5680 BRYANT ST Residential BDP02-0173 BDP02-1736 BDP17-3479
0182508404011 R0127785 CASTANEDA JOSE M 5670 BRYANT ST Residential BDL02-00047 BDP02-0164 BDP17-2533 BDP17-2534
0182508404012 R0127783 MARTINEZ ISABEL 5660 BRYANT ST Residential BDL01-00351 BDL02-00091 BDP02-0014 BDP17-1730 BDP17-5290

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