Showing 164011 - 164020 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182508403015 R0127773 GARCIA FARRAH R AND RESSLER CHRIS J 5675 BRYANT ST Residential BDL02-00043 BDP02-0174 BDP12-2022 BDP17-2542 BDP19-1340
0182508403016 R0127772 ANDREWS JUSTIN AND MARTINEZ ROSIO 5685 BRYANT ST Residential BDL02-00356 BDP02-0914 BDP18-4147
0182508403017 R0127771 VASQUEZ JOLEEN LYNETTE 5705 BRYANT ST Residential BDP02-1034 BDP03-0190 BDP06-1545 BDP09-1543 BDP17-3584
0182508403018 R0127769 TRUJILLO RUSSELL A AND TRUJILLO TAMMY L 5715 BRYANT ST Residential BDP02-0922 BDP17-3338
0182508403019 R0127767 QUINTANA MIGUEL R AND QUINTANA YVETTE H 5735 BRYANT ST Residential BDP02-1055 BDP08-0338 BDP17-3951
0182508403020 R0127764 TINOCO MARIO AND TINOCO GUADALUPE A 5745 BRYANT ST Residential BDL02-00465 BDP02-1231 BDP17-2899
0182508403021 R0127763 FENG GUANG NING AND FENG XUE ZHENG 5755 BRYANT ST Residential BDL02-00824 BDP02-2409
0182508403022 R0127762 SRP SUB LLC 5775 BRYANT ST Residential BDL02-00204 BDP02-0533 BDP11-2410 BDP17-2294
0182508404001 R0127804 5770 BRYANT STREET LLC 5770 BRYANT ST Residential BDL02-00205 BDP02-0532 BDP17-2347 BDP18-0555
0182508404002 R0127803 BROWN KRISTEN L 5760 BRYANT ST Residential BDL02-00552 BDP03-0858 BDP09-1480 BDP11-2021 BDP12-0444 BDP17-3070

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