Showing 163961 - 163970 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182508400049 R0103279 ARAGON ALBERT A AND ARAGON DIANE C 5600 CLAY ST Residential BDC09-00096 BDL03-00838 BDP03-2308 BDP17-3899 RWC2010-00308 VIO2020-01291 VIO2020-01292
0182508402001 R0127701 RHOMBERG MICHAEL 5615 BRYANT ST Residential BDP01-00947 BDP17-2547 BDP21-1635 VIO2009-62085 VIO2024-00864
0182508402002 R0127702 RICO HURIMAR RINCON 2735 W 56TH AVE Residential BDC01-00017 BDC16-00094 BDC21-00150 BDI16-0014 BDP01-00334 BDP01-00335 BDP01-00387 BDP16-2586 BDP24-3785 BDP24-4043 BV01-0017 CEC2012-00300 ILD2019-00031 SGN2001-00016 VIO2002-31139 VIO2012-01505 VIO2015-02108 VIO2016-00015 VIO2016-00417 VIO2016-02290 VIO2016-02433 VIO2020-01297 VIO2020-01298 VIO2021-00511 VIO2021-01053 VIO2021-02152 VIO2021-03242 VIO2021-03265 VIO2021-03315
0182508402003 R0127703 CARDENAS NATHAN 5621 CLAY ST Residential BDP01-00946 BDP12-1107 BDP21-3509 BDP23-1919
0182508402004 R0127705 HOLDERNESS LORILEE MARIE 5631 CLAY ST Residential BDC02-00119 BDL02-00051 BDP02-0250 BDP02-1350 BDP17-1755
0182508402005 R0127706 VIALPANDO JOHNNY R AND VIALPANDO NIKKI 5651 CLAY ST Residential BDL02-00250 BDP02-0710 BDP02-2643 BDP17-2848
0182508402006 R0127707 PEREZ ALFREDO AND DE PEREZ EDIA RAMIREZ 5661 CLAY ST Residential BDP02-1053 BDP17-2852
0182508402007 R0127708 SCHULTZ KELLY 5671 CLAY ST Residential BDP02-1609 BDP17-1392 BDP17-2343 BDP17-2908 BDP21-0288 BDP21-0533 BDP21-0542
0182508402008 R0127709 ESCOBEDO MARCO A AND ESCOBEDO VERONICA 5681 CLAY ST Residential BDL02-00662 BDP02-1893 BDP17-4458
0182508402009 R0127710 PEREZ ZEKE AND ELLEDGE NATALEE 5701 CLAY ST Residential BDL02-00623 BDP02-1703 BDP17-2746 BDP17-3028 BDP20-0632

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