Showing 163941 - 163950 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182508213001 R0162829 SPERO JUNE BALISTRERI AND SPERO CLYDE M 3326 W 64TH AVE Residential BDP17-5050 PCI2007-00017 PCI2007-00035 RWC2010-00229 TVM2016-00017 VIO2006-51400 VIO2023-00134
0182508213002 R0162830 SPERO JUNE BALISTRERI AND SPERO CLYDE M 3324 W 64TH AVE #A & B Residential TVM2016-00017 VIO2006-51398
0182508213003 R0162831 SPERO JUNE BALISTRERI AND SPERO CLYDE M 3322 W 64TH AVE #A & B Residential TVM2016-00017 VIO2006-51397
0182508213004 R0162832 SPERO JUNE BALISTRERI AND SPERO CLYDE M 3320 W 64TH AVE #A & B Residential TVM2016-00017 VIO2006-51396
0182508300005 R0103215 BOHN CAROL HUDAK AND BOHN EDDIE ARTHUR 5880 LOWELL BLVD Residential 1974-095-Z-P 1992-056-Z BDP17-0142 BDP17-1642 BDP17-5270 RWC2017-00039 UTL2016-00086 UTL2018-00135 UTL2019-00325
0182508300018 R0103224 MINER JOHN 3060 W 58TH AVE Residential BDC05-00183 BDC07-00145 BDC07-00146 BDC09-00036 BDL08-00335 BDP08-1064 BDP14-0320 VIO2001-27547 VIO2010-00462 VIO2011-02337 VIO2012-00641 VIO2017-01510 VIO2023-00460
0182508300028 R0103234 BARRIOS RAMIREZ MARTIN AND BARRIOS MARIA ESTHER 5711 HOOKER ST Residential PRE2024-00034 USE2024-00023 USE2024-00031 UTL2016-00471 VIO2002-28417 VIO2002-28418 VIO2003-34782 VIO2003-34783 VIO2005-45159 VIO2005-45160 VIO2010-00474 VIO2024-00157
0182508300047 R0103239 BOHN CAROL HUDAK AND BOHN EDDIE ARTHUR Residential 1974-095-Z-P 1992-056-Z
0182508300051 R0103243 ELM RIDGE MOBILE HOME PARK INC 5601 FEDERAL BLVD Residential 1989-042-V BDC13-00095 BDC14-00003 BDC15-00179 BDI15-0013 BDL13-00361 BDP01-01917 BDP13-0621 BDP21-0708 BDP99-00604 BDP99-00605 BDP99-00606 BDP99-00659 BDP99-00660 BDP99-00858 BDP99-00870 BDP99-00909 BDP99-01659 BDP99-01807 CEC2013-00241 CEC2013-00433 CEC2014-00078 CEC2015-00793 CEC2015-00981 ROW1998-00202 UTL2024-00041 VIO1998-9110 VIO1998-9111 VIO1998-9660 VIO1998-9696 VIO1999-16635 VIO1999-16636 VIO2000-20168 VIO2002-29920 VIO2002-29921 VIO2003-37628 VIO2003-37629 VIO2003-37630 VIO2005-43339 VIO2005-43340 VIO2019-02103 ZVR2022-00048
0182508300071 R0164399 GILPIN INDUSTRIAL LLC 5850 LOWELL BLVD Residential BDC07-00039 BDP07-0231 BDP09-1457 BDP09-1504 BDP21-0257 RWC2017-00038 UTL2018-00398 VIO2009-62688 VIO2017-00032 WET2021-00002

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