Showing 163921 - 163930 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182508212105 R0202535 KNIGHT STUART AND MASON JOCELYN 3520 W 62ND PL Residential BDP21-1813 BDP21-3851 BDP22-0039 BND2022-00003
0182508212106 R0202536 WANG HANYANG 3510 W 62ND PL Residential BDP21-1814 BND2022-00001
0182508212107 R0202537 WELLS SARGEANT SUSAN DALE 3480 W 62ND PL Residential BDP21-2902
0182508212108 R0202538 NICHOLSON JOHN MICHAEL AND GARDELLA TAYLOR 3470 W 62ND PL Residential BDP21-2903
0182508212109 R0202539 HUBERT KATHERINE A 3460 W 62ND PL Residential BDP21-2908
0182508212110 R0202540 ROZENBOIM LEONID AND ROZENBOIM LALY 3450 W 62ND PL Residential BDP21-2909
0182508212111 R0202541 VANHEE KATE 3440 W 62ND PL Residential BDP21-2910
0182508212112 R0202542 MOORE STEPHEN AND MOORE NANCY 6294 KING CT Residential BDP21-0571
0182508212113 R0202543 THE TAYLOR RANCH CO TRUST 6294 KING CT Residential BDP21-0571
0182508212114 R0202544 ELLIOTT BROOKE 6294 KING CT Residential BDP21-0571

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