Showing 163901 - 163910 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182508212085 R0202515 HAZEL YASMIN AND HAZEL ANTONIO 3486 W 63RD AVE Residential BDP21-2465
0182508212086 R0202516 SOMMER ASHLEY BELLE 3492 W 63RD AVE Residential BDP21-2463
0182508212087 R0202517 ALVAREZ ELOY GUARDIOLA 3498 W 63RD AVE Residential BDP21-2462
0182508212088 R0202518 CHASSIE BLAKE AND CHASSIE LISA ANN 3502 W 63RD AVE Residential BDP21-1801
0182508212089 R0202519 FASSINO BRENT J 3510 W 63RD AVE Residential BDP21-1802
0182508212090 R0202520 SUTANTO SEAN AND ALFARO CASSANDRA 3518 W 63RD AVE Residential BDP21-1803
0182508212091 R0202521 COOLMAN NATHAN E AND BOLLES JOSHUA P 3526 W 63RD AVE Residential BDP21-1804
0182508212092 R0202522 ROMERO MONICA 3534 W 63RD AVE Residential BDP21-1805
0182508212093 R0202523 ABUKASIS AMITAI 3542 W 63RD AVE Residential BDP21-1806
0182508212094 R0202524 THE TAYLOR RANCH CO TRUST 3550 W 63RD AVE Residential BDP21-1807

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