Showing 163881 - 163890 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182508212063 R0103203 NYHUS COLLEEN MARIE AND NYHUS MICHAEL LEE 3140 W 63RD AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDP17-3639 BDP19-3825
0182508212064 R0103204 WHITEHILL CLIFFORD SCOTT 3130 W 63RD AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP
0182508212065 R0103205 NEELY FAMILY TRUST 3120 W 63RD AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDP08-0641 BDP12-0552 BDP15-0131 BDP17-2418 BDP19-4099
0182508212066 R0103206 SCHUETTE PAUL C AND SCHUETTE CHERYL L 3110 W 63RD AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDP00-00032 BDP17-2604
0182508212067 R0103207 LACOCK STEVEN AND LACOCK SWATI DAVIDSON 3100 W 63RD AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDC22-00158 BDP00-00450 BDP00-01640 BDP13-1717 BDP17-1322 BDP17-2349 BDP17-3131 BDP22-2154 BDP22-2935
0182508212068 R0103208 HARMON FAMILY REVOCABLE TRUST C/O TODD HARMON AND ERIKA HARMON 3090 W 63RD AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDP00-01050 BDP15-0202 BDP15-0203 BDP15-0250 BDP17-3038 BDP24-2037 BDP99-00930 VIO2001-26305
0182508212069 R0103209 BAR PROPERTIES LLC 3080 W 63RD AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDL12-00508 BDP01-00496 BDP12-1659 BDP18-1644 BDP19-3190
0182508212072 R0103212 ALOHA BEACH COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INC C/O MSI LLC Residential 1994-098-ZCP VIO2000-21718 VSP2000-00021
0182508212073 R0103213 ALOHA BEACH DEVELOPMENT CORP Residential 1994-098-ZCP SWA2013-00522 SWA2013-00614
0182508212074 R0155808 FRANKLIN JON J 3070 W 63RD AVE Residential BDL13-00333 BDP13-1053

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