Showing 163871 - 163880 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182508212053 R0103193 WENINGER LAURA E AND HEFFERNAN PAUL 3360 W 63RD AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDP00-00532
0182508212054 R0103194 THOMPSON JARED AND VELARDE SHERRY 3340 W 63RD AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDP10-4136
0182508212055 R0103195 MC CURDY KENT AND MC CURDY DANIELLE 3320 W 63RD AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDL07-00468 BDL15-00212 BDP01-01065 BDP01-02477 BDP07-1219 BDP12-1442 BDP12-1596 BDP15-0584 BDP18-0300
0182508212056 R0103196 BALAZ MARIAN AND BALAZ MARGARET 3300 W 63RD AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDL10-00516 BDP11-0013 BDP17-4170
0182508212057 R0103197 GAMMON JULI A 3280 W 63RD AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDC05-00163 BDP17-4214
0182508212058 R0103198 BENZ THOMAS L AND BENZ JULIETTE F 3260 W 63RD AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDP00-01072 BDP17-5146
0182508212059 R0103199 MICHIELI ERIC A 3180 W 63RD AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDC06-00096 BDC10-00035 BDC11-00094 BDL10-00435 BDL15-01167 BDP02-0568 BDP11-0299 BDP15-2875 BDP17-4500 PRA2010-00011 UTL2021-00542 VIO2018-00786 VSP2010-00072 VSP2010-00075 VSP2010-00076
0182508212060 R0103200 FALCO PHILIP M 3170 W 63RD AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDP10-0253 BDP19-1240 BDP99-02031 CEC2015-01043 VIO2016-01338 VIO2016-01352 VIO2016-01503
0182508212061 R0103201 KUHN HAL C 3160 W 63RD AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDP17-4290 BDP99-01693
0182508212062 R0103202 SONNENBURG JOSHUA W AND SONNENBURG BRENDA T 3150 W 63RD AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDP12-1359 VIO2002-31344

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