Showing 163861 - 163870 of 165792 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182508212043 R0103183 CARTER JOSHUA BRYANT 3508 W 62ND AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDL13-00436 BDP04-0984 BDP13-1260 BDP17-3497 BDP17-4239
0182508212044 R0103184 MOLLIE HALE CARTER TRUST 3532 W 62ND AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDP04-0972 BDP16-3262 BDP20-1483 BDP99-00136
0182508212045 R0103185 FEILER ALLYSON 3556 W 62ND AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDL07-00189 BDP07-0485 BDP09-0855 SWA2013-00547 SWA2013-00599
0182508212046 R0103186 ALOHA BEACH COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INC C/O MSI LLC Residential 1994-098-ZCP RWC2010-00220
0182508212047 R0103187 ALOHA BEACH DEVELOPMENT CORP Residential 1994-098-ZCP HST2011-00203
0182508212048 R0103188 ALOHA BEACH DEVELOPMENT CORP Residential 1994-098-ZCP HST2011-00203 HST2011-00217 SWA2013-00523 SWA2013-00600
0182508212049 R0103189 ALOHA BEACH DEVELOPMENT CORP Residential 1994-098-ZCP HST2011-00203
0182508212050 R0103190 ALOHA BEACH COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION INC C/O MSI LLC Residential 1994-098-ZCP
0182508212051 R0103191 ALOHA BEACH DEVELOPMENT CORP Residential 1994-098-ZCP VIO2003-33556
0182508212052 R0103192 SHOPPMAN STEVEN C AND LYONS LAUREN E 3380 W 63RD AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDP18-0683 BDP21-2570 BDP21-2860

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