Showing 163851 - 163860 of 165798 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182508212027 R0103167 GILLAN LELAND E 3124 W 62ND AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDC14-00080 BDP17-1815 SWA2013-00723
0182508212028 R0103168 GOLDEN KATHERINE 3148 W 62ND AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDL14-00170 BDP10-4344 BDP14-0340 BDP17-0827 BDP17-1180 BDP17-1424 BDP17-1518 BDP17-3499 BDP17-4144 BDP22-0464 WET2017-00012
0182508212029 R0103169 SMITH W TODD AND SMITH LISA M 3172 W 62ND AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDL14-00478 BDL15-00232 BDP14-1049 BDP15-0578 BDP17-1818 SWA2013-00783
0182508212030 R0103170 DICELLO TODD 3196 W 62ND AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDP17-1469 BDP17-3036
0182508212031 R0103171 KOKOSZKA SHANE R 3220 W 62ND AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDP04-1078 BDP06-2004 BDP09-1519 BDP17-3470 BDP19-4126
0182508212032 R0103172 MCCLURE ADAM 3244 W 62ND AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDL14-00145 BDL15-00868 BDP14-0315 BDP15-2034 BDP17-4367
0182508212033 R0103173 WINNICK RICHARD E AND PENSICK THERESA J 3268 W 62ND AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDL15-00165 BDP15-0504 BDP17-2357
0182508212034 R0103174 TAHA HAMID AND TAHA SHANNON M 3292 W 62ND AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDL08-00215 BDL13-00720 BDP08-0657 BDP13-2060 BDP14-1576 VIO2015-02456
0182508212035 R0103175 STEVENS THOMAS B AND STEVENS CONNIE JO 3316 W 62ND AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDP02-0357 BDP15-0135 BDP17-1817 BDP18-5022 BDP21-0042 BDP22-1320 SWA2013-00449
0182508212036 R0103176 HIGGINS RHONDA J AND HIGGINS KELSEY M 3340 W 62ND AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDP00-01451 BDP17-2237 BDP20-3736 SWA2013-00558

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