Showing 163831 - 163840 of 165798 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182508212007 R0103147 WATSON THOMAS RAMEY AND BASEGGIO VICTORIA J 3537 W 62ND AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDC17-00079 BDL15-00644 BDP15-1378 BDP18-0814
0182508212008 R0103148 WILKINS JUSTIN MATTHEW AND FOSTER BROOKE C AKA WILKINS BROOKE C 3513 W 62ND AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDP15-2048 BDP17-2236 BDP18-1517
0182508212009 R0103149 SWAGER JEFFREY AND SOMMER-SWAGER KRISTEN 3489 W 62ND AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDP13-1997 BDP14-2207 BDP20-2440 BDP22-0354 BDP22-0428
0182508212010 R0103150 HOHN JAMES J 3465 W 62ND AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDC13-00175 BDL13-00772 BDP00-01368 BDP13-2197 BDP17-5253 BDP18-2165 BDP18-4547 BDP23-1479 BDP25-0377
0182508212011 R0103151 MORRILL SCOTT 3441 W 62ND AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDP01-00731 BDP08-0462 BDP10-2928 BDP18-1908 BDP18-2627 SWA2013-00807 SWA2014-00015
0182508212012 R0103152 WALZ TERESA L AND WALZ MEL R 3417 W 62ND AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDL13-00402 BDP00-01189 BDP03-0477 BDP13-1204 BDP13-1387 BDP18-1724
0182508212013 R0103153 FRE TRUST 3393 W 62ND AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDC24-00110 BDP18-0299 BDP18-1717 BDP24-4549 SWA2013-00839 SWA2018-00001
0182508212014 R0103154 ELLIOTT FRANK R JR AND ELLIOTT BROOKE MARIE 3369 W 62ND AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDC14-00045 BDL14-00466 BDL15-00035 BDP15-0893 TVM2010-00021
0182508212015 R0103155 BOYKIN RYAN P TRUST AND BOYKIN ALISHA F TRUST 3345 W 62ND AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDL12-00174 BDP03-0659 BDP03-0774 BDP05-1975 BDP06-0096 BDP08-0460 BDP12-0909 BDP12-0985 BDP13-1448 BDP24-0751
0182508212016 R0103156 NORRIS AMANDA 3321 W 62ND AVE Residential 1994-098-ZCP BDI16-0011 BDP16-4677 BDP18-0749 BDP23-2104 VIO1998-11590 VIO1998-11611

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