Showing 163811 - 163820 of 165798 records
Account Types: Residential×
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182508209042 R0202486 SHIPPY MIKAYLA M 3493 W 63RD AVE Residential BDP21-0356 BDP24-0968
0182508209043 R0202487 TRUSCIO JESSIE A 3487 W 63RD AVE Residential
0182508209044 R0202488 CUNNINGHAM STEPHANIE ANN 3481 W 63RD AVE Residential BDP21-0353
0182508209045 R0202489 CHEN CHIUNG-FEN 3475 W 63RD AVE Residential BDP21-0352
0182508209046 R0202490 WELLHOUSER SARAH AND DUNN CLARKE 3469 W 63RD AVE Residential BDP21-0351
0182508209047 R0202491 HILL CHRISTIANA LYNN 3465 W 63RD AVE Residential BDP21-0175
0182508209048 R0202492 LONNEMAN AIMEE AND LONNEMAN MARYLOU 3459 W 63RD AVE Residential
0182508209049 R0202493 TAYLOR CANDACE 3453 W 63RD AVE Residential
0182508209050 R0202494 HOLMES RHIANA 3447 W 63RD AVE Residential BDP21-0172
0182508209051 R0202495 ROZENBOIM SHIRLEY 3441 W 63RD AVE Residential BDP21-0171

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