Showing 163791 - 163800 of 165798 records
Account Types: Residential×
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182508209022 R0202466 ROSSING MICHAEL J AND ROSSING LAUREN C 3519 W 63RD PL Residential BDP20-1673
0182508209023 R0202467 HOSMER JILLIAN 3527 W 63RD PL Residential BDP20-1674
0182508209024 R0202468 PRATSCHER LAUREN ELIZABETH 3535 W 63RD PL Residential BDP20-1675
0182508209025 R0202469 ORNELAS OLGA LIDIA AND ORNELAS JOSE DE JESUS 3543 W 63RD PL Residential BDP20-1676 BDP22-2161
0182508209026 R0202470 CABRERA AMY 3551 W 63RD PL Residential BDP20-1677
0182508209027 R0202471 LORUSSO DANIEL 3559 W 63RD PL Residential BDP20-1678 BDP21-0989
0182508209028 R0202472 HAYNES ANDREW JOSEPH 6355 KING CT Residential BDP20-0687
0182508209029 R0202473 ZINKE KADY M 6345 KING CT Residential BDP20-0688
0182508209030 R0202474 FASY JESSICA 6335 KING CT Residential BDP20-0689
0182508209031 R0202475 ENGLISH KELSEY B 6325 KING CT Residential BDP20-0690

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