Showing 163781 - 163790 of 165798 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182508209012 R0202456 ROSATO MICHAEL ANTHONY AND ROBINSON RACHEL ADELE 3461 W 63RD PL Residential BDP20-1681
0182508209013 R0202457 ANGLIN WILLIAM LUCE AND ANGLIN CHELSEA ANN 3467 W 63RD PL Residential BDP20-1682
0182508209014 R0202458 BEATTIE SEAN L AND FERREIRA ANNA 3473 W 63RD PL Residential BDP20-1683
0182508209015 R0202459 HANNA JONATHAN M 3479 W 63RD PL Residential BDP20-1684
0182508209016 R0202460 CHO JOSHUA 3485 W 63RD PL Residential BDP20-1685
0182508209017 R0202461 COWAN GREG 3491 W 63RD PL Residential BDP20-1686
0182508209018 R0202462 GREENE HEATHER 3497 W 63RD PL Residential BDP20-1691
0182508209019 R0202463 SMITH GARRETT 3501 W 63RD PL Residential BDP20-1692
0182508209020 R0202464 FREY JOSEPH 3503 W 63RD PL Residential BDP20-1671
0182508209021 R0202465 SELF BETHANY 3511 W 63RD PL Residential BDP20-1672

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