Showing 163691 - 163700 of 165798 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182507303007 R0102983 MARTINSON STEVEN E AND MARTINSON MARITA K 4880 W 60TH AVE, ARVADA CO Residential 1959-017 1961-004 ANX1961-00001
0182507400005 R0102997 CALABRESE GLORIA 5855 LOWELL BLVD Residential BDP04-0408 BDP14-0892 OSG2009-00137 RWC2017-00024 RWC2017-00025 UTL2023-00189
0182508100012 R0103022 REEFER WARE LLC 6190 FEDERAL BLVD Residential ACT2024-00077 BDC05-00195 BDC11-00138 BDC12-00140 BDL14-00828 BDL15-00749 CEC2015-01038 HST2010-00689 PRE2003-00053 PRE2015-00016 SGN1978-3 VIO2000-21431 VIO2002-31542 VIO2002-31543 VIO2004-41649 VIO2005-45344 VIO2005-45346 VIO2005-45347 VIO2014-01934 VIO2014-01939 VIO2018-01393 VIO2020-00779
0182508103037 R0144786 GSC BEACH STREET LLC ATTN CONNER THOMAS Residential
0182508103050 R0161631 PULL-N-SAVE AUTO PARTS LLC Residential VIO2025-00222
0182508103053 R0161635 FED62 LLC Residential
0182508104002 R0103043 PIONEER MHP LLC 86% INT AND WAYSIDE COLORADO LLC 14% INT 2901 W 63RD AVE Residential 1966-007 1973-080-Z-P 1990-052-P 1995-042-PUD-P 1996-035-PUD-A BDC10-00152 BDC12-00114 BDC15-00108 BDL09-00128 BDP09-0929 BDP10-3776 BDP10-4384 BDP11-0096 BDP11-1849 BDP11-2399 BDP12-1788 BDP15-3036 BDP15-3037 BDP15-3038 BDP16-0233 BDP22-2461 CEC2013-00869 CEC2013-00923 M00-0006 MDP01-00022 MDP01-00048 RWQ2015-00050 UTL2011-00206 UTL2019-00110 UTL2022-00367 VIO1996-3277 VIO1999-18600 VIO1999-18601 VIO2002-31448 VIO2002-31449 VIO2002-31450 VIO2007-52670 VIO2007-52671 VIO2009-62114 VIO2013-01208 VIO2014-02494 VIO2014-02544 VIO2018-00504
0182508200002 R0103044 RODRIGUEZ ALONZO J 6380 LOWELL BLVD Residential BDP05-1959 BDP18-3569 RWC2010-00120 RWC2010-00253 VIO2000-21564 VIO2003-35378 VIO2005-43671 VIO2005-43675 VIO2005-45322 VIO2006-50116 VIO2007-55735 VIO2009-61158 Z-93-72
0182508200003 R0103045 MERCER DONALD Z 6378 LOWELL BLVD Residential BDP04-0520 BDP15-2632 ROW2001-01027 RWC2010-00121 RWC2010-00277 VIO2000-21565 VIO2000-21566 VIO2000-23229 VIO2000-23230 VIO2005-44454 VIO2005-45427 VIO2007-53796 VIO2008-59914 VIO2008-59915 VIO2009-61288 VIO2009-61289
0182508200004 R0103046 SOKOL ROBERT JOHN 6364 LOWELL BLVD Residential BDP03-1234 BDP03-1899 BDP03-2297 CEC2012-00438 RWC2010-00122 VIO2000-21567 VIO2000-21568 VIO2005-45437 VIO2005-45439 VIO2007-53749 VIO2007-53750 VIO2009-62090 VIO2010-00563 VIO2010-01530 VIO2011-01418 VIO2011-01824 VIO2012-01461 VIO2013-00733 VIO2015-00945 VIO2015-00947 VIO2015-00948 VIO2015-00949 VIO2015-00950 VIO2015-00952 VIO2015-00953 VIO2015-00954 VIO2015-00956 VIO2015-00957 VIO2015-00958 VIO2015-00960 VIO2015-00961

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