Showing 163291 - 163300 of 163495 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182518111002 R0105266 HAWKES REBEKAH M 4340 W 53RD AVE Residential BDP17-3413 VIO2000-21523 VIO2000-21524
0182518111007 R0105267 LUCERO MARY E AND LUCERO FRANK C 5264 TENNYSON ST Residential BDP03-1399 BDP07-1407 BDP17-2180 BDP99-00587 RWC2017-00071 VIO2000-20042
0182518111008 R0105268 JULIE ANN MCPIKE GST TRUST 5254 TENNYSON ST Residential BDL02-00891 BDP02-2603 BDP17-3196 CLV2018-00053 INF2016-00061 RWC2017-00070 UTL2018-00457 VIO2000-20043 VIO2000-20044 VIO2002-29225 VIO2002-29226 VIO2002-29227 VIO2018-00897 VIO2021-00816
0182518111009 R0105269 DUNLEAVY PATRICK 5240 TENNYSON ST Residential BDP05-0197 BDP17-3093 BDP20-1149 BDP21-2147 BDP24-4546 RWC2017-00069
0182518111010 R0105270 AUTUMN SKY LLC 5230 TENNYSON ST Residential BDP17-2825 RWC2017-00068
0182518111013 R0105273 BRANCH THOMAS MATTHEW III 5221 STUART ST Residential BDP02-0883 BDP02-2549 BDP08-1361 BDP22-3734 VIO1997-5441 VIO1997-5442 VIO2002-31117 VIO2008-58235 VIO2008-58236 VIO2008-59687 VIO2008-59688
0182518111014 R0105274 BORTZ GRANT S 5225 STUART ST Residential BDP10-1138 BDP17-4869 VIO1997-4473 VIO1997-5177 VIO1999-18050 VIO2000-21528 VIO2000-21529 VIO2001-27350 VIO2002-28513 VIO2005-43293 VIO2008-58083 VIO2008-59330 VIO2011-02034 VIO2022-02372
0182518111015 R0105275 SORAUF KELLEN AND GOLDER ASHLEY 5251 STUART ST Residential 1956-038 BDL14-00184 BDP07-0502 BDP07-1137 BDP08-1258 BDP14-0221 BDP14-0404 BDP17-0333 BDP17-1068 BDP17-4189 PRE2017-00031 VIO2004-41732
0182518111016 R0105276 SAYER JONAS 5261 STUART ST Residential BDP06-0684 BDP17-2772 BDP19-3343 BDP20-1814 INF2018-00012 UTL2017-00274 UTL2018-00065
0182518111017 R0105277 MORENO ANTONIO AND MORENO MAGDALENA R 5271 STUART ST Residential BDP07-1281 BDP17-1461 BDP17-5277 BDP22-0798 BDP23-2734 BDP24-1157 VIO1998-9747

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