Showing 160441 - 160450 of 163262 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182507108005 R0102324 CONDE SAMUEL AND CONDE VIRGINIA M 6198 STUART ST Residential 1986-066-PUD 1986-066-PUD-P BDP11-2326 BDP17-2805 VIO2006-48289
0182507108006 R0102325 ADAMS JACOB 6188 STUART ST Residential 1986-066-PUD 1986-066-PUD-P BDP06-1306 BDP17-2866 BDP22-1095
0182507108007 R0102326 ERIKSSON STEVEN B AND ERIKSSON LINDA E 6178 STUART ST Residential 1986-066-PUD 1986-066-PUD-P BDP05-0059 BDP14-0219 BDP17-1837 BDP19-0074 BDP99-01363
0182507108008 R0102327 KHONG THERESA V AND VU JOHN L AND VU MICHAEL K 6168 STUART ST Residential 1986-066-PUD 1986-066-PUD-P BDP17-1799
0182507108009 R0102328 SHUFORD JAMES 6158 STUART ST Residential 1986-066-PUD 1986-066-PUD-P BDP02-0206 BDP17-2342
0182507108010 R0102329 SARAGOSA JULIO G AND SARAGOSA JACQUELINE AND MARTINEZ MARIA 6148 STUART ST Residential 1986-066-PUD 1986-066-PUD-P BDP14-1017 BDP16-1802
0182507108011 R0102330 GOMOLL JEREMY 6138 STUART ST Residential 1986-066-PUD 1986-066-PUD-P BDP12-0485
0182507108012 R0102331 SAJOPHA WANTONG AND KHONGRATH PHOUNNGEUN 6128 STUART ST Residential 1986-066-PUD BDP10-0428 BDP16-3906
0182507108013 R0102332 MILLER ROSS B 6127 RALEIGH ST Residential 1986-066-PUD 1986-066-PUD-P BDP15-2623 BDP22-3524 BDP24-3158 INF2019-00032
0182507108014 R0102333 RODRIGUEZ GABRIEL AND MARIA SARA 6137 RALEIGH ST Residential 1986-066-PUD 1986-066-PUD-P VIO2016-02395 VIO2019-01965

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