Showing 1331 - 1340 of 163260 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0156707206003 R0001180 ENANDER JERILYN KAYE 23451 E 156TH AVE Residential 1974-123-Z-P BDP10-3877 BDP19-1162 VIO1997-6162 VIO1999-16745
0156707206004 R0001181 CHAMBERS DEAN J AND CHAMBERS KATHLEEN 23855 E 156TH AVE Residential 1974-123-Z-P BDL06-00071 BDP06-0175 BDP17-4599
0156707206005 R0001182 LATZER CATHERINE C AND LATZER DANIEL A 15621 DUQUESNE CIR Residential 1974-123-Z-P BDP17-1373 BDP18-6003 BDP20-4007 BDP23-1920 BDP23-3306 BDP24-0182 BDP24-0885 BDP24-1570 UTL2023-00667 VIO1997-6468 VIO1999-16740 VIO2022-02625
0156707206006 R0001183 HAINES ROBERT M AND HAINES COLETTE A 15641 DUQUESNE CIR Residential 1974-123-Z-P BDP01-01797 BDP17-3402 VIO1996-1280 VIO1997-6469
0156707206007 R0001184 JUNGLAS VINCENT B 15661 DUQUESNE CIR Residential 1974-123-Z-P BDP10-3993 BDP13-1495 BDP18-4214
0156707206008 R0001185 RUYBAL JOSE AND RUYBAL TANYA 23602 E 157TH AVE Residential 1974-123-Z-P BDP01-02202 BDP06-0279 BDP22-1938 BDP22-3530 ROW2003-00711 VIO2014-02038
0156707206009 R0001186 GALLEGOS TARA AND GALLEGOS DONALD 23520 E 157TH AVE Residential 1974-123-Z-P BDL07-00037 BDP05-0519 BDP07-0100 BDP10-3111 BDP20-0837 BDP20-0838 CEC2014-00157 CEC2014-00159 VIO2014-00383 VIO2014-02036
0156707206010 R0001187 DAVIS CHADRON RUSSELL AND SHERRICK AMBER MARIE 23452 E 157TH AVE Residential 1974-123-Z-P BDP17-0366 BDP17-0602 BDP18-4284 BDP19-3340 BDP20-0965 CLV2018-00115 VIO2009-62674 VIO2014-02037
0156707300003 R0001190 TALAMANTES SANTOS AND TALAMANTES PATRICIA 23901 E 152ND AVE Residential BDC02-00197 BDL02-00937 BDP02-2769 BDP22-3651 BDP23-0221 HST2009-00265 VIO1998-10535 VIO2004-42000 VIO2007-52450 VIO2015-00317 VIO2021-00082 VIO2021-00083 VIO2022-01853 VIO2022-03553 VIO2023-01711
0156707300005 R0001191 MENJIVAR DELGADO JUAN JOSE 24141 152ND AVE Residential ACC2023-00115 BDC04-00261 BDP04-2386 BDP18-5583 BDP21-1111 BDP21-1401 RCU2023-00033 VIO2021-00080 VIO2021-00081 VIO2023-00691 VIO2024-00045

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