Showing 111 - 120 of 6775 records
Account Types: Commercial×
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0182130008014 R0084266 14805 E MONCRIEFF LLC 14805 E MONCRIEFF PL, AURORA CO Commercial ANX1973-00016
0182130008015 R0084267 14805 E MONCRIEFF LLC 14895 E MONCRIEFF PL, AURORA CO Commercial ANX1973-00016
0156918203002 R0179097 148TH AND SABLE BOULEVARD BUILDING LLC 1289 S 4TH AVE #100, BRIGHTON CO Commercial
0157333101005 R0190175 1501 LLC 1501 W 124TH AVE #600, WESTMINSTER CO Commercial
0157333101004 R0190174 1501 W 124TH AVE 700 LLC 1501 W 124TH AVE #700, WESTMINSTER CO Commercial
0157333101003 R0190173 1501 W 124TH AVE UNIT 800 WESTMINSTER CO 80234 LLC 1501 W 124TH AVE #800, WESTMINSTER CO Commercial
0182511201010 R0103637 1530 STREET HOLDINGS LLC 6308 DOWNING ST Commercial 1970-009 BDP18-0214 BDP18-0609 ROW2007-00035 UTL2012-00222 UTL2018-00103 VIO1998-9973 VIO2004-42207
0182511201036 R0137598 1530 STREET HOLDINGS LLC 1530 E 64TH AVE Commercial 1989-034-AP 1990-001-V 1990-021-V BDL13-00762 BDP14-0114 VIO2015-02675 VIO2015-02992
0182511201038 R0137600 1530 STREET HOLDINGS LLC Commercial
0171923116018 R0051858 1540 EPPINGER BLVD LLC 1540 EPPINGER BLVD, THORNTON CO Commercial

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