Showing 1141 - 1150 of 163251 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0156703102007 R0157617 GREGORY LEONARD R AND GREGORY SANDRA J 16770 GREATROCK ST Residential BDL06-00627 BDL07-00424 BDP06-1375 BDP07-1100 BDP10-1546 ROW2004-00595 VIO2020-01073
0156703102008 R0157618 COX CHRISTOPHER M 16690 GREATROCK ST Residential ACC2020-00097 BDL05-00669 BDL05-00670 BDL05-00671 BDP05-1379 BDP05-1386 BDP10-2206 BDP16-0825 CLV2016-00179 ROW2004-00596 VIO2019-00759
0156703102009 R0157619 JONES MICHAEL G AND JONES LYDIA R 16630 GREATROCK ST Residential BDC08-00042 BDL05-00048 BDL05-00238 BDL05-00239 BDL08-00117 BDP05-0195 BDP05-0558 BDP05-0560 BDP08-0876 BDP10-1917 ROW2004-00643 VSP2008-00020
0156703103002 R0157608 WARLING CARROLL J AND WARLING MELINDA S 29045 E 166TH AVE Residential BDL06-00314 BDL06-00316 BDL15-00209 BDP06-0710 BDP06-0806 BDP07-0184 BDP10-1315 BDP15-0874 BDP15-1343 BDP24-3019 BDP24-3850 CLV2015-00020 ROW2004-00589
0156703103003 R0157607 GARBISO SANDI AND GARBISO CHRIS 29115 E 166TH AVE Residential BDL04-01098 BDP17-4705 CLV2017-00161 ROW2004-00587 VIO2014-01116 VIO2015-02247
0156703103004 R0157606 PATTERSON FAMILY TRUST 29225 E 166TH AVE Residential BDL06-00275 BDL06-00319 BDL06-00527 BDP06-0595 BDP06-0807 BDP16-3428 BDP16-4772 BDP18-0832 BDP20-1929 BDP21-2926 BDP21-3322 BDP21-3462 BDP21-3463 BDP21-3867 BDP22-1317 BDP24-3426 CLV2016-00230 ROW2004-00586
0156703103005 R0157605 CHAVEZ CARRERA LIDIA V AND LOPEZ IBANEZ MARIA TRINIDAD AND ZAPATA JUAN F 29335 E 166TH AVE Residential BDL04-00730 BDL04-01099 BDL04-01203 BDL05-00167 BDP04-1593 BDP04-2413 BDP05-0050 BDP11-1369 BDP16-4498 BDP19-3902 BDP23-0343 CEC2013-00575 ROW2004-00585 VIO2011-02011 VIO2014-00007 VIO2016-02711 VIO2016-02723 VIO2017-00739 VIO2020-00981 VIO2020-01092 VIO2021-01316 VIO2023-03032
0156703103006 R0157604 MARISCAL JAVIER AND LOPEZ BLANCA JIMENEZ 29405 E 166TH AVE Residential BDP17-0459 BDP23-1389 BDP23-3038 CEC2015-00737 CLV2017-00168 CLV2018-00151 ROW2004-00584 VIO2014-01117 VIO2015-02241 VIO2016-02715 VIO2022-00136
0156703103007 R0157603 HOHLOCH CHERYL AND HOHLOCH ROLF 29475 E 166TH AVE Residential BDL04-00818 BDL04-01211 BDL05-00022 BDL05-00064 BDL05-00194 BDL05-00253 BDP04-1875 BDP04-2414 BDP05-0086 BDP05-0255 BDP05-0462 BDP05-0581 BDP05-0712 BDP06-0888 BDP07-1575 BDP10-2029 ROW2004-00583 ROW2005-00321
0156703103008 R0157602 HILEMAN ASHLEY 29555 E 166TH AVE Residential BDL05-00978 BDP04-1892 BDP06-0040 BDP10-1982 ROW2004-00383 ROW2004-00582 VIO2020-00984

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