Showing 1011 - 1020 of 163251 records
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0156702203016 R0121577 MEDINA GUTIERREZ JUAN CARLOS 30406 E 166TH AVE Residential 1998-224-PUD(P 1999-073-PUD-P BDC07-00303 BDC13-00103 BDL02-00805 BDL07-00596 BDP03-0002 BDP04-1141 BDP07-1533 BDP10-1812 BDP24-2991 CEC2012-00461 CEC2013-00512 CEC2013-00784 ROW2002-00638 VIO2003-36751 VIO2004-40905 VIO2013-01094 VIO2014-00043 VIO2018-01467 VIO2019-00393 VIO2019-01216 VIO2022-02123 VIO2022-02651 VIO2023-02562
0156702203017 R0121576 LAKE RANDALL J AND LAKE LORI R 30346 E 166TH AVE Residential 1998-224-PUD(P 1999-073-PUD-P BDL02-00624 BDL10-00501 BDP02-1774 BDP05-0782 BDP10-3756 BDP10-4521 CEC2013-00786 ROW2002-00878 VIO2004-40890 VIO2010-01607 VIO2018-01483
0156702203018 R0121575 LLOYD CHARLES L AND LLOYD LAURA S 16588 JOPPA ST Residential 1998-224-PUD(P 1999-073-PUD-P BDC03-00299 BDL06-00235 BDP03-0089 BDP03-2004 BDP06-0520 BDP08-0124 BDP18-5641 BDP23-1388 BDP23-1400 VIO2007-55540 VIO2007-55541 VIO2007-56641 VIO2007-56642 VIO2019-00226
0156702203019 R0121574 MORENO DARIO AND MORENO MARLENE L 30273 E 165TH AVE Residential 1998-224-PUD(P 1999-073-PUD-P ACC2020-00155 BDP01-00060 BDP10-1544 BDP18-4860 BDP20-3178 BDP21-0534 CLV2018-00164 VIO2003-36658 VIO2004-40892 VIO2007-56318 VIO2018-01281 VIO2018-01282
0156702203020 R0121573 MAUL PAIGE A AND MAUL LAWRENCE R 30363 E 165TH AVE Residential 1998-224-PUD(P 1999-073-PUD-P BDL05-00429 BDL11-00151 BDL12-00251 BDP05-0933 BDP10-3996 BDP11-0674 BDP11-1623 BDP12-0735 BDP12-1133 BDP19-3373 ROW2007-00024 VIO2003-36668 VIO2004-40891 VIO2007-56321 VIO2007-56322
0156702203021 R0121572 ROGERS BRIAN K LIVING TRUST 30453 E 165TH AVE Residential 1998-224-PUD(P 1999-073-PUD-P BDL05-00188 BDL10-00505 BDL13-00204 BDP00-02619 BDP05-0468 BDP10-4595 BDP13-0682 VIO2014-00150
0156702203022 R0121571 BIGAM ROBBIE L AND BIGAM CATHLE L 30464 E 165TH AVE Residential 1998-224-PUD(P 1999-073-PUD-P BDL07-00616 BDP00-01952 BDP07-1551 BDP10-1656 BDP16-4856 BDP18-2256 BDP18-2831 ROW2001-00199
0156702203023 R0121570 BURREN BRIAN T 30384 E 165TH AVE Residential 1998-224-PUD(P 1999-073-PUD-P BDL04-01083 BDP00-01950 BDP04-2245 BDP10-1350 BDP11-0158 BDP18-5559 ROW2001-00200 VIO2007-56320 VIO2022-01322 VIO2024-00633 VIO2024-00634 VIO2024-00648
0156702203024 R0121569 MCCOLLUM KRISTINE E AND OLSON ELIZABETH A 30344 E 165TH AVE Residential 1998-224-PUD(P 1999-073-PUD-P BDC11-00070 BDL01-00237 BDL11-00176 BDP00-01953 BDP01-02447 BDP10-2280 BDP11-0726 BDP12-1818 ROW2001-00201 VIO2007-56319
0156702203025 R0121568 BARRETT JONATHAN AND BARRETT ALEXIS LIPNICKI 16458 JOPPA ST Residential 1998-224-PUD(P 1999-073-PUD-P BDL02-00493 BDP01-00605 BDP02-1334 BDP16-1026 BDP17-3980 BDP18-1382 BDP22-2481 BDP24-3159 BDP24-3915 ROW2001-00244 VIO2003-36662 VIO2007-56683

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