Showing 91 - 100 of 163206 records
Account Types: Residential×
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0171928307013 R0059659 8301 WYANDOT ST Residential
0171929107082 R0060787 2710 W 86TH AVE #56, WESTMINSTER CO Residential
0171930103045 R0062097 8751 NORWICH ST Residential
0171930120006 R0062452 8512 MASON CIR Residential
0171930201002 R0062623 4727 W 87TH PL Residential
0171931111003 R0063726 7900 BRADBURN BLVD, WESTMINSTER CO Residential
0171931120003 R0063920 Residential
0171931120014 R0063931 7695 BRADBURN BLVD, WESTMINSTER CO Residential
0171931120015 R0063932 7699 BRADBURN BLVD, WESTMINSTER CO Residential
0171931206017 R0064231 7801 WOLFF CT, WESTMINSTER CO Residential

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