Showing 1 - 10 of 6774 records
Account Types: Commercial×
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Parcel# Account# Owner Site Address Type County Permits
0171929103001 R0060700 ZUNI CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC 8403 BRYANT ST, WESTMINSTER CO Commercial ANX1970-00015
0171929103003 R0060701 ZUNI CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC 8402 CLAY ST, WESTMINSTER CO Commercial ANX1970-00015
0171929103004 R0060702 ZUNI CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC Commercial ANX1970-00015
0171929103005 R0060703 ZUNI CAPITAL MANAGEMENT LLC Commercial ANX1970-00015
0181715308011 R0161885 ZUNDEL DANA J 37801 E 51ST AVE #6W Commercial
0172107314024 R0173582 ZUBHA REALTY LP 4311 E 104TH AVE, THORNTON CO Commercial ANX1970-00010
0182506316024 R0101633 ZOGOB ENTERPRISES LLC 5159 W 64TH AVE, ARVADA CO Commercial ANX1959-00001
0171912411010 R0114726 ZOAPORT KESTREL LLC C/O ADVANTAGE ACCOUNTING 3555 E 104TH AVE, THORNTON CO Commercial ANX1979-00003
0182130324014 R0084746 ZIYADEH INVESTMENT GROUP LLC 14360 E 28TH AVE, AURORA CO Commercial ANX1960-00002
0157119301010 R0151448 ZION HOLDINGS LLC 4203 E 136TH AVE, THORNTON CO Commercial ANX1999-00004

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